Recognizing and Managing Criminal Harassment in the Animal Welfare Sector
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 6, 2021, 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Peter Collins Dr. Rebecca Ledger Christian Lim

Moving animal welfare forward has challenges for its key players, including shelter workers, administrators, policy makers, experts, and investigative and prosecuting agencies. One significant, and yet under-researched issue is how professionals working in animal welfare are perceived and treated by others, both internal and external to the sector, as a result of conflicting philosophies regarding the specific policies they follow and the activities they undertake. 

For example, euthanasia decisions, animal training methods, the keeping of large numbers of animals and animals in captivity, animal importation, the legal defence of animals, and engaging in invasive animal research, are controversial topics that divide individuals who nevertheless consider themselves ‘pro animal welfare’. 

Differing beliefs on areas such as ‘quality versus sanctity of life’, or ‘human versus animal welfare’ can erupt into personal attacks that are harmful to the recipient. Dr Rebecca Ledger will describe examples of this type of harassment, using real life case studies.

Dr. Peter Collins will speak about the psychology of individuals who target, harass and stalk professionals whom they see as disagreeing with their firmly held beliefs. He will also discuss the impact that this unwanted attention can have on professionals.

Ensuring the safety of animal law players and looking at the options of dealing with harassment, intimidation or bullying needs to look what legal options are available. Harassment in its criminal, civil and non-legal forms is a reality. Crown Prosecutor Christian Lim will examine what criminal harassment is, and how it is dealt with in the legal system. 

Key Learnings :

1. The psychology of people who engage in criminal harassment.
2. The impact that criminal harassment can have on individuals working in the animal welfare sector.
3. Legal options available to people impacted by criminal harassment.

Session Type
Stage 1 LIVE